

Antimalarials in North Lincolnshire

Do you need antimalarials for your next adventure? We offer expert travel health advice and antimalarials at our travel clinic in North Lincolnshire. Simply book your appointment online or visit us at Barrow Pharmacy.

Book your Antimalarials Vaccine in North Lincolnshire

What is Malaria?

Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted through bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. There are five parasite species that cause malaria in humans, and two of these species p.falciparum and p.vivax pose the highest threat.

Travelling to a high-risk area?

If you are planning to travel, speak to one of our pharmacists to establish if you require antimalarial drugs. The pharmacist will check the risk of malaria and also the type of activities you will be carrying out to decide if you will need anti-malarial drugs.

Different Types of antimalarials

The two commonly used antimalarial drugs available are Doxycycline and Malarone (generic and branded). During your consultation, a pharmacist will explain which antimalarial drugs are suitable for you and the main pros and cons of each type.

Supply of antimalarials

If you are planning on travelling, please book a consultation well in advance or visit our pharmacy so that you can receive maximum protection from the antimalarials. Also, the pharmacist will give you advice on how to minimize your risk of mosquito bites and other appropriate precautions for your travel.

Additional Travel Health Services

We aim to provide a full range of private vaccination services at Barrow Pharmacy. You can book an appointment for the following services with our travel health experts.

Useful Links:

You can check the following website for the latest news and updates on travel health, vaccines and foreign travel advice.